
Sensum specialises in the development and production of automatic visual inspection systems for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry. Through its consistent innovation many leading multinational pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, Bayer, Eli Lilly, Merck, Teva, etc.) have recognised Sensum as the technology leader and a preferred supplier of machines for automatic visual inspection. Sensum provides high and mid capacity solutions for 100 % quality inspection of tablets, capsules, transparent capsules and softgels and in-line PAT solution for real-time visual monitoring of pharmaceutical processes.

High-tech company founded in 2000.
Member of Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Automatic Visual Inspection of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.
R&D cooperation with the Laboratory of Imaging Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
40 years of experience in image processing and analysis.


To develop, produce and sell innovative automatic visual inspection systems,
contributing to the better quality of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.


To keep being the leading and the most innovative manufacturer of machines for
automatic visual inspection of pharmaceutical products.



Sensum doubles the size of its headquarters premises.


Sensum implements deep learning AI technologies, significantly advancing its product lineup with superior inspection capabilities. SPINE product family becomes more autonomous with general inspection solutions for softgels.


Sensum launched digital platform (Media Center) for online support, user training and interactive new technologies.


SPINE product family becomes more autonomous with general inspection solutions for tablets and capsules.


Installation, integration and qualification of the first SPINE FIBO two-machine parallelization system for 100% visual inspection, counting and bottle filling in a high capacity manufacturing line.

Japan showroom moves to a more spacious location in Fujinomiya (Shizuoka prefecture).


The potential of our first solution in pharma packaging, i.e. SPINE FIBO, has been recognized by CPhI Pharma awards, who shortlisted us as a finalist in Excellence in Pharma: Packaging.

Sensum launches STREAM CORE – machine for automatic quality inspection and sorting of capsules.


Sensum opens a new production plant for in-house manufacturing of its own products and for computer-controlled production of demanding machine parts.

Sensum launches SPINE FIBO – machine for automatic filling of tablets, capsules and softgels to bottles. With SPINE FIBO Sensum enters the field of manufacturing technologies in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry.


Sensum makes a breakthrough in Japan with several projects.

Sensum SPINE is the first European machine for tablet, capsule and softgel inspection and sorting, which is being sold in Japan.

Sensum opens showrooms in Yokohama (Japan), Leominster (MA, USA) and Mumbai (India).

A redesign of SPINE machine increased inspection capacities nearly by double.


Sensum keeps growing, now being classified as a medium-sized company for the second year.

SPINE machine application has been extended and can now inspect and sort softgels, too.


Sensum launches PATVIS APA - process analytical technology visual inspection system for real-time monitoring and fully automated analysis of size and shape of particles in fluid bed processing.


Sensum launches SPINE HYPO - the first machine on the market that enables automatic visual inspection and sorting of highly potent tablets and capsules in containment.


Leading multinational pharmaceutical companies recognize Sensum as a technology leader and preferred supplier of machines for automatic visual inspection and sorting of tablets and capsules.


Sensum penetrates all major markets worldwide and more than doubles the turnover, R&D resources, production and aftersales capabilities.


Sensum becomes ISO 9001 certified company and implements SAP ERP information system and thereby significantly improves the overall management of quality and business operations.


Sensum moves to a new business site.

Sensum launches HELIX - a machine for lifting, dedusting and polishing of tablets, capsules and softgels.

Sensum starts the cooperation with IMA - world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, tea and coffee.


Installation of the first SPINE machine for automatic visual inspection and sorting of tablets and capsules.

2000 - 2005

Sensum focuses on computer vision applications in pharmaceutical industry through design, development and production of systems for inhibition zones analysis, automatic particle analysis, and for color inspection of tablets in blisters.


Foundation of Sensum by the principal researchers of the Laboratory of Imaging Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.

Sensum becomes a member of the Technology Park Ljubljana.

1975 - 2000

The pre-foundation period: the computer vision researchers at the University of Ljubljana gain valuable theoretical and applicative knowledge by developing numerous dedicated computer vision systems for automotive, electronics, and pharmaceutical industries.


Excellence and innovation.
Quality and accountability.
Strong cooperation with end users and universities.




Do you want to join our team?

Please send us an email to [email protected].



Pametni robot za vizualno pregledovanje kakovosti in sortiranje kapsul

V podjetju SENSUM smo začeli z aktivnostmi na RRI projektu RoboKap, katerega namen je razvoj nove, inovativne in prilagodljive naprave, ki bo znala pregledovati kakovost farmacevtskih kapsul različnih vrst ter jih sortirati med ustrezne in neustrezne. Rezultat projekta bo pametni robot, ki bo znal, podobno kot človek, opazovati (oči nadomestimo s kamerami), se učiti in presojati (možgane nadomestimo z umetno inteligenco) ter sortirati izdelke glede na njihovo kakovost (roke nadomestimo z mehanskimi manipulatorji).

Naprava bo nadomestila nezanesljivo človeško pregledovanje kapsul, njena agilnost in prilagodljivost pa bo omogočala hitro in enostavno zmožnost uporabe naprave za najrazličnejše tipe kapsul v proizvodnji, ter optimizacijo proizvodnje in procesnih podatkov. Naložbo razvoja sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj v višini €489.472,20:

ARRS Z2-2647

Sistem s strojnim vidom za medprocesno spremljanje visokostrižne granulacije

V okviru podoktorskega aplikativnega raziskovalnega projekta želimo razviti in ovrednotiti prototipni sistem strojnega vida za medprocesno spremljanje visokostrižne granulacije v realnem času. Sistem bo omogočal merjenje kritičnih vizualnih lastnosti granul v realnem času skozi celoten postopek granulacije. Končni cilj je nadomestiti rutinsko vizualno oceno granul s strani operaterjev procesov, ki je nezanesljiva, saj je subjektivna in odvisna od praktičnega znanja operaterja.

S sistemom bomo omogočili spremljanje, razumevanje, nadzor in optimizacijo procesov visokostrižne granulacije med razvojem procesnih postopkov, povečevanju serij in pri prenosu tehnologije, kar bo posledično pripeljalo do bistveno izboljšane učinkovitosti in nižjih stroškov procesov ter zagotavljalo kakovost in konsistentnost granul. To bo zmanjšalo verjetnost zavrnjenih serij, s tem povezane stroške in vpliv na okolje ter na splošno ponudilo cenovno dostopnejša zdravila boljše kakovosti. Naložbo razvoja sofinancira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije v višini €93.559,50: